Finca Bellavista Associate Code of Conduct
Whether you are a volunteer or an employee (paid or unpaid, contract, full-time or seasonal), you are considered to be an associate and representative of Finca Bellavista.
All employer-employee relations at Finca Bellavista are guided by and in compliance with the Costa Rica Labor Code.
All associates of Finca Bellavista are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct, and abide by an accepted set of expectations and rules. This Code of Conduct gives our associates an idea of what we expect from you while performing FBV-related business or representing FBV-related interests whether on premises or off premises. By accepting this document you are confirming that you have read and will abide by this Code of Conduct while on-site at Finca Bellavista or any property owned by Finca Bellavista, while conducting FBV-related business, or representing FBV-related interests.
These interests may include (but are not limited to):
- Operating FBV-owned machinery or vehicles
- Attending to FBV duties off-site (purchasing trips, meetings, tours, visits, in-town business)
- Participating in digital or social media
- Written correspondence (electronic mail included)
- Verbal & telephone correspondence
- Media appearances
- Guest and associate interactions (whether on site or off site)
- Hospitality exchanges
At Finca Bellavista, we believe that honesty, integrity and adherence to a code of ethics are important characteristics for our associates to possess. All associates must ensure that FBV’s reputation is not tarnished by dishonesty, disloyalty, corruption, or behaviors reflecting such traits. This Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behavior expected from all representatives and associates of Finca Bellavista, and guidelines to handle various situations that may arise during an associate’s tenure at Finca Bellavista.
Bribery, Illegal Gifts & Commissions
Any representative soliciting an advantage in connection with his/her work without the permission of FBV management commits an offense. The term “advantage” includes money, gift, loan, fee, reward, office, employment, contract, service or favor. It is the policy of FBV to prohibit representatives from soliciting any advantage from clients, suppliers, government entities or any person in connection with negotiating or representing FBV business.
All gratuities and tips, whether monetary or in-kind services or items, given to associates in the workplace for services rendered at Finca Bellavista, must be reported to management. It is inappropriate behavior for associates to request tips or other reimbursements from guests.
Accepting Advantages
Employees should decline advantages offered in connection with their work if the acceptance of such advantages could affect their objectivity or induce them to act against FBV’s interests or lead to complaints of bias.
Offering Advantages
Under no circumstances may an associate offer bribes or similar considerations to any person or Organization for the purpose of influencing such person or Organization in business dealings. Any advantage given in the conduct of the Organization’s business should be in accordance with the Organization’s prevailing policies on such matters and prior written approval of management should be obtained.
Entertainment & Hospitality Industry Practice
Although entertainment, discounts and complimentary services which are common in the hospitality industry are acceptable forms of business and social behavior, employees should turn down invitations to meals or entertainment or offers for discounts and complimentary services that are excessive in nature or frequency, so as to avoid loss of objectivity when conducting the Organization’s business. Hospitality exchanges and other services approved and organized by management on behalf of employees are excluded. Approval of such exchanges and services by management is required if acting on behalf of or in representation of Finca Bellavista.
Use of Proprietary Information
Employees are not allowed at any time to disclose any proprietary information to any entity outside of FBV without permission. Such information may relate to any aspect of FBV’s operations including construction techniques, estimated number or amount of assets, investment strategies, sales and marketing plans, new products, financial projections, patent applications, clientele database, copyrighted materials, etc. It is the responsibility of each associate who has access to or is in control of proprietary information to provide adequate safeguards to prevent its abuse or misuse. Examples of misuse include disclosure of information in return for monetary rewards; use of information for personal interest; and disclosure of information to sabotage FBV’s interests.
Handling Conflict of Interest Situations
Conflict of interest situations arise when the personal interests of employees compete or conflict with the interests of FBV. Representatives should avoid such situations, actual or potential, which may compromise the integrity of other representatives or put FBV’s interests and reputation at risk. Every representative of FBV should take it as his/her personal responsibility to avoid engaging in situations that may lead to or involve conflict of interest. He/she should at all times ensure that his/her dealings with customers, suppliers, contractors, government entities or colleagues does not place him/her in a position of obligation that may lead to a conflict of interest.
Misuse of Company Assets and Resources
Appropriation of FBV properties, including raw materials and finished goods by representatives for personal use or for resale is a crime of theft and renders the culprit liable to dismissal and prosecution. These assets include, but are not limited to: tools, hardware, food, office supplies, kitchenwares, restock items such as toilet paper and paper towels, gasoline, diesel, linens, home furnishings, lumber, etc.
Any associate caught stealing from visitors, other associates, or the company will be dismissed and prosecuted.
Sexual Harassment, Workplace Harassment & Violence
Sexual harassment may include unwanted sexual advances, sexual jokes, subtle or overt pressure for sexual favors, sexual innuendoes, and offensive propositions. These will not be tolerated. Likewise, FBV will not tolerate workplace harassment or violence of any kind. This includes threats, intimidation, bullying, or subjecting individuals to ridicule or unwarranted exclusion.
Personal Conduct Outside Hours of Work, Including Outside Employment
Representatives should not take up concurrent employment, either regularly or on a consulting basis, without the prior written approval from FBV management. Employees are advised not to engage in frequent or excessive gambling, or over consumption of alcohol or drugs.
Drug-Free Workplace
Finca Bellavista is a drug-free work environment. If you are found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while you are working, your position will be terminated, immediately. DO NOT BRING OR KEEP DRUGS ON THE PREMISES. By doing this, you are endangering everyone around you, including other associates, our visitors, owners and neighbors. Drug testing will be performed if deemed appropriate by management, or in the event of a workplace accident.
Environmental Compliance
It is our policy to conduct our business in an environmentally responsible way that minimizes environmental impacts. We are committed to minimizing and, if possible, eliminating the use of any substance or material that may cause environmental damage, reducing hazardous waste generation and disposing of all waste through safe and responsible methods, minimizing environmental risks by employing safe technologies and operating procedures, and being prepared to respond appropriately to accidents and emergencies. Violation of environmental laws can be a criminal offense and can involve monetary fines and imprisonment. We expect representatives to comply with all applicable environmental laws within Costa Rica, in addition to those found within our community guidelines.
Political Party Participation
As a general rule, employees are to refrain from participating in political activities in a manner that will invite censure or direct conflict to FBV. Representatives have a right to their political beliefs, as long as the view presented is of the employee, and does not involve or represent Finca Bellavista or its associates. Representatives will avoid involvement in any affiliation or activity pertaining to a Political party during paid FBV time. It is general FBV policy not to make contributions to political parties at any level of government.
Board and/or Community Involvement and Representation
Associates have a right to their religious, social, and personal beliefs. FBV encourages the involvement of its associates to engage in social and personal activities outside of the work environment. However, any official representation of Finca Bellavista to or within any type of entity or organization – whether governmental, social, tourism, environmental, or educational – must be approved by FBV management. It is general FBV policy not to make contributions to religious organizations.
Personal Hygiene & Appearance
We ask that all associates maintain a level of personal hygiene and appearance that is appropriate for guest and media interaction at all times. If you are wearing profane, promiscuous, overly suggestive, or inappropriate clothing, we will ask you to change. In addition, all associates are expected to have shirts on when present in community structures.
Personal Responsibility
Each associate is responsible for their personal safety and personal items. Personal items can include vehicles, electronics, clothing, and other items. These items include your FBV-issued radio. We ask that for security and communication purposes, everyone have a charged radio on at all times while on site. If yours is dead, bring it back to recharge and change it out with a charged one. Do not leave it lying out.
Appropriate versus Inappropriate Behavior
We expect all FBV associates to conduct themselves appropriately at the workplace and in the general vicinity of Finca Bellavista. Promiscuity, drinking, doing drugs, swearing, dressing inappropriately, gossiping and creating drama reflect poorly on you and Finca Bellavista and its associates and are considered inappropriate. Please conduct yourself appropriately and respectfully with regards to your conversations and actions while at work and beyond.
Media Interactivity
All associates of Finca Bellavista are to direct media inquiries and requests to Erica Hogan, Media Relations Director. Acting as a representative of Finca Bellavista to a media entity without permission from the Media Relations Director is expressly prohibited.
Questions, comments, or concerns brought up by visitors, government officials, owners, and media sources should be directed to management. If you are being asked questions you don’t know the answer to, please direct them to management for answers.
Finca Bellavista does not discriminate with regards to rendering services or employing persons of any race, color, gender or background. We expect all associates to be polite and respectful to all guests, neighbors and associates of Finca Bellavista regardless of race, color, religious affiliation, political affiliation, background or belief system.
If you observe or feel that another associate is not complying with the Code of Conduct, or, you have a concern about another associate’s behavior, please discuss your concerns with FBV management. If you have knowledge of or bear witness to any illegal or concerning activities while on premises, please report and discuss with management. In the event that an associate is witness to a criminal act or situation that comes into question, the associate may be asked to provide a witness statement of the event.
Reporting of Injuries or Accidents
Any accident or injury acquired on the job within work hours OR on-site at Finca Bellavista must be reported to management immediately, on the day of occurrence.
No Kill Policy
We have a ‘No Kill’ policy for wild animals of any type at Finca Bellavista. If you find or see an animal that concerns you or may be in danger or creating a safety issue for others, please report it to management to arrange for its relocation or removal.
Other Expectations of Associates:
- Be present and ready to work during scheduled days and times.
- If you have prior knowledge that you will be absent, please make arrangements with management for coverage of your duties when you are off work.
- Communicate in a calm and respectful manner to each other, all guests, and associates.
- Track and submit your own work hours, and keep a good log of what you are working on.
- Support other associates in good will, whether at work or outside of work.
Rules of the House to pass along to new associates:
- If you turned it on, turn it off
- Do not leave items plugged in overnight
- Use only biodegradable products in our bathrooms and waterways
- No, no, no paper or sanity products in the toilets! We are using biodigestors and they can’t handle anything other than #1 and #2.
- Please use water and electricity very sparingly. All resources are precious and limited at FBV.
- If you cook it or eat it, clean it up afterwards
- Take off your shoes when you venture inside or onto flooring
- Pack it in, pack it out. Don’t throw trash on the ground or leave it lying around. If you see trash on the trails or on FBV property, pick it up and dispose of it properly.
- Use the appropriate containers to separate glass, plastic, aluminum, paper and trash. If it’s full or overflowing, please empty it.
- Pick up trash and dispose of it when you see it laying around. Ensure that guests and owners dispose of trash in the appropriate containers.
- Maintain a standard of personal hygiene that is appropriate for interacting with the public.
- All use of the Sky Trail network must be pre-approved, scheduled, and a safety course must be completed prior to taking out groups.
- No smoking in any of our structures… they might be open-air, but things like curtains and linens still absorb smells, and not everyone cares to inhale your smoke.
- All associates should have a radio on while on-site at FBV
- Close the gates behind you and ensure that they are closed, especially before dark.
- Ensure that a licensed driver AND an evacuation vehicle are available and in working condition at the community base camp in the event of an emergency.
- If there is a question you don’t know the answer to, please have the inquiring party ask management.
- Never leave base camp unattended. Always ensure that there is point of contact available at base camp prior to your departure.
- Do not invite guests or random people to the finca without permission. There are a multitude of reasons for this rule, and we ask that you please respect it.